Happy New Year!
I hope you had a brilliant festive period; I did and although I'm returning to work slightly tired out, it was more than worth it. I've been busy knitting but not really getting much finished but I know that in a few weeks there'll be a spate of FOs to photograph and share.
There has also been an addition to the house over Christmas - one spinning wheel. I have enablers for parents. She's an Ashford Kiwi 2 and I'm smitten. I've finished spinning the BFL oatmeal fibre that I was patiently drop spindling. All done in a day or two; love it!!! I've also been working my way through the drop spindle kit I started with and have produced some lovely singles yarn from a small batt.
On non-fibre related news, Pippin has grown immensely since I posted first about here so, here's a gratuitous of both her and my shiny new spinning wheel.
She has kept us on our toes since she joined us and I'm so happy we took the plunge. We feel like a proper family with her about. Although she can be mischievous, it's well evened out by the sweetness she brings. I can't think of any better way to wake up than to a puppy wrapped around your neck and a good big lick to the face on opening your eyes.
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