I'm thrummin'
Hope you like thrummin' too (my sincerest apologies to Mr Marley).
In preparation for our planned trip to Iceland, I'm making some mittens. Thrummed mittens. I've got quite a lot of fibre for someone who doesn't spin a lot and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to use some of it up. I'm using some cheviot fibre from HilltopCloud which I dyed using Dylon a while back and a ball of Rowan Pure Wool Aran.
I can recommend to anyone having a go as it's quite good fun and you end up with toasty hands.
In preparation for our planned trip to Iceland, I'm making some mittens. Thrummed mittens. I've got quite a lot of fibre for someone who doesn't spin a lot and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to use some of it up. I'm using some cheviot fibre from HilltopCloud which I dyed using Dylon a while back and a ball of Rowan Pure Wool Aran.
I can recommend to anyone having a go as it's quite good fun and you end up with toasty hands.
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