
To keep the ball rolling on keeping you up to date with what's going on, I've started running again. In fairness, I didn't ever stop running but my jaunts did get so far and few between that it could be described as sporadic at best.

A friend suggested running a half-marathon. Before I could catch myself, I'd said yes and signed up for it. Bugger.  Not only that, I also agreed to do a 10k in August as a training run. What...the Hell?  So I'm in training and getting out running 4 times a week.  Once a week with a club and three times a week with training runs.

Do you know what though?  I feel great. I have tons of energy, my skin is glowing and I'm losing weight. Hurrah! The diet has been adjusted to allow for this additional exertion otherwise I'd be likely to keel over halfway through a session but it still seems to be on track, fingers crossed.

I've made myself a deal - no knitting or sewing until I've done my run for the day.  I should also do this for the housework but I'm just not that motivated.

I'm knitting a pair of socks.  I just felt like it. Rebuilding the level of mojo to pre-dip levels steadily.  They are the Spiralling Socks by Jen Arnall-Culliford and they are so much fun to knit.  You knit in two different places on the round as you spiral the two patterns up the foot and leg; then you go back to add in the afterthought heel.   This also means that when using varigated yarns the colour changes take longer but are more exciting for the easily amused (like me).


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