Here there be monsters...

Oh I'm in heaven right now.  I've eaten a very tasty tea, had a drink of the alcoholic type (hey, it's Friday) and I'm just relaxing after the busiest week at work I think I've ever had.  The reason that I'm ridiculously happy though is that I finally have the book I ordered.  It's a long story of "attempted deliveries" to our undiscoverable flat.  When did the world change so much that it became acceptable to refuse to deliver because SatNav doesn't list your postcode correctly? I mean what happened to asking for directions, or phoning the customer to find out how to get to the delivery address?  ARGH!

Enough ranting though because 'The Big Book of Knitted Monsters' by Rebecca Danger is here, in our flat.  I love it!! Every monster, large and small, you could want and with instructions to make them in pretty much any weight of yarn.   There's also clear instructions on finishing, which can be so often overlooked.  The book is well laid out and pretty; the tone of the writing is perfect - cheery and personal - with little biographies of the monsters. 

The book arrived just before I arrived home for my lunch today so I was all upbeat and feeling a little hyperactive for the afternoon.

In preparation for the book's arrival, I had started crocheting a monster and he's part done - body, head and one arm done.  The problem with him though is that his eyes are already attached and I feel guilty leaving him on his own at night with only one arm to fend for himself.  

He's very cute (see left) but he still needs the remaining three limbs and has told me off for doing this blog entry rather than finishing them (see right).

That's all for now, here's to a great weekend.


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